Focus – Platform for B2B Networking

Online B2B marketing has evolved dramatically over the past few years and we now have abundant tools and resources available at our disposal. One such resource which provides a common platform where a group of professionals consisting of thought leaders, domain experts and upstart innovators collaborate and reach out to a wide audience is

Professionals who register at Focus are known as Experts and they primarily serve the community by

* posting briefs or whitepapers

* answering the community’s questions

* working on paid consulting projects with Focus’s editors

The Research section at houses the experts’ briefs, whitepaper and the consulting projects that experts work on. Consulting projects include Market Guides, Buyer’s Guide, Comparison guides, research briefings, etc. These consulting projects are assigned to experts who have demonstrated high activity levels within the Focus community and to those who have outstanding profiles. A member can get advertised on the ‘Featured Experts’ column by

* Posting briefs regularly

* Taking part in the Q&A section

* Having good profiles (an updated linkedIn profile is important)

As mentioned above, having an updated and complete profile at LinkedIn is crucial to being granted an expert status at Getting noticed by the management and the community at Focus can be very rewarding as it is the best way to soft sell your expertise. Though Focus frowns upon direct, in-your-face marketing (policies dictate the content posted), they do encourage subtle promotions in ways such as answering a question and leaving a gist about yourself and your contact details if the Asker wants further info. Also, your concise profile at the end of a Focus brief/whitepaper has the potential to generate leads.

We at Interactive Limited specialize in helping our clients promote themselves on special avenues such as Contact for further information on ongoing training, webinars and exclusive consultation on lead generation by the exploiting the evolving trends in social media networking.